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Showing posts from September, 2017

The Antichrist: Were the Protestant Reformers Correct?

The Antichrist: Were the Protestant Reformers Correct? by Woodrow W. Whidden (Revised Version of An Article originally published on May 25, 2000) Emeritus Professor of Religion Andrews University Introduction In this age of ecumenical calls for the unity of all Christians, when all professed Christians are supposed to see what they can do to find common ground and show both personal and theological charity to others not of their particular tradition of belief, the traditional Historicist interpretation of the Antichrist (also espoused by White Horse Media) as being fulfilled by the Roman Papal Church has been called into question.1 Should The Traditional Papal Interpretation Change? What is to be made of this delicate situation? Has the Roman Catholic church (the Papacy) changed to the point that Historicist interpreters and their respective ministries need to seriously reconsider their traditional position that this largest of Christian bodies is the antichrist portraye

Christ our Righteousness Bible Study (Part 1)

Approximately 600 years before our Savior was born in Bethlehem, Jeremiah predicted, “Behold, the days are coming,” says the LORD, “That I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness;  A King shall reign and prosper,  And execute judgment and righteousness in the earth.  In His days Judah will be saved,  And Israel will dwell safely;  Now this is His name by which He will be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Jer. 23:5,6) This is a prophecy about Jesus Christ. Not only is He called “A King” and “a Branch of righteousness,” but Jeremiah specifically predicted that “He will be called” by a special name—”THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.” Two things impress me here: 1) That special name, and 2) That “He will be called” by it. Who do you think will call Him by that name? It seems to me that the answer is: His people will call Him that. Now I ask you, “What percentage of present-day Christians do you think have ever called our Savior by that name?” Probably less than 1%. Have y

Pope Francis, Two Beasts, and the Devil’s Deadly Mark (Part 3)

     “Truth is stranger than fiction” is a popular saying. Brace yourself. You are about to discover strange things, but they are factual. The Holy Bible predicts that during Earth’s darkest hour a sinister deception called “the mark of the beast” (see Revelation 19:20) will be legislated by earthly governments as a misguided solution to a global crisis. Finally, “no one may buy or sell except the one who has the mark” (Revelation 13:17). Those who settle into this delusion—after being earnestly warned by a loving Creator to reject the devil’s deadly mark—will reap the just “wrath of God” (see Revelation 14:9-11), and be doomed forever. Sound serious? It is. Keep reading. What is this mysterious mark? If you Google “mark of the beast,” you’ll find plenty of opinions on the Internet. But honestly, this topic is far too important to practice “theology by Google.” Instead, first and foremost we must examine what the Bible actually says. After all, the “mark” is a Bible topic. Here ar

Pope Francis, Two Beasts, and the Devil’s Deadly Mark (Part 2)

As most of us know, Pope Francis visited America September 22-27, 2015. Highlights included a September 24 speech before a joint-session of our U.S. Congress, a September 25 address at a large United Nations gathering in New York City, and a September 26 speech at The World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. Is it possible that these events tie in with biblical prophecy? Part 1 of this series explored Revelation chapter 13 which contains a mysterious, shocking prophecy about two beasts and a deadly mark. My last articled focused on the first beast which rose out of the sea (13:1), has “a mouth speaking great things” (verse 5), wages “war against the saints” (verse 7), and is granted “authority over every tribe, tongue, and nation” (verse 7). Finally, “all the world marveled and followed the beast” (verse 3). Whether you agree with their controversial conclusions or not, it is a sober fact of history that for nearly 400 years—from the 1500’s to the 1800’s—millions of reputa

Pope Francis, Two Beasts, and the Devil’s Deadly Mark (Part 1)

Pope Francis visited America September 22-27, 2015. On September 24, he spoke to a joint session of the U.S. Congress—the first time a Pope has done so. On September 25, he addressed a United Nations gathering in New York City—an event reported to include the largest gathering of world leaders ever. On September 26, he spoke in Philadelphia at The World Meeting of Families. Media coverage was massive. Shockingly, Bible prophecy also reports, “All the world marveled and followed the beast” (Revelation 13:3). Does this prediction have anything to do with the man in the white suit? Brace yourself. You’re about to find out. Revelation chapter 13 describes two beasts—the first rising out of the sea (13:1), and the second ascending out of the earth (13:11). The second beast finally enforces the “mark” of the first beast (13:16,17) during earth’s last crisis. In these articles I will decode each symbol, based on prophecy, history, and current events. Indeed, the information is truly

500 Years Later. Is the Protestant Reformation Dead?

October 31, 2016 just passed, which means we have officially entered the 500th year since the Protestant Reformation began. 499 years ago, on October 31, 1517 to be exact, Augustinian monk Martin Luther hammered his famous “95 Theses on the Power of Indulgences” onto the door of the Castle church in Wittenberg, Germany. At that time, when Luther’s hammer hit the nail, he was still a loyal member of the Roman Catholic Church; but his confidence in Romanism had been shaken, especially since Rome was peddling phony certificates called “indulgences” that supposedly granted payees pardon for all their sins. Indulgences are lies,  thundered the German monk.  God’s forgiveness is a gift. It’s not for sale! In 1517 A.D., Luther’s bold action against papal indulgences rattled Europe. As this monk’s revolutionary message spread far and wide, Luther became God’s tool to ignite an unstoppable reformatory movement. The word, “Protestant,” stems from the word, “protest.” As a result of Luthe


God still care for you, whatever that is going on now.




As we receive Christ through His word, and the Holy Spirit is given to open the word of God to our understanding, and bring home its truths to our hearts. W e are to pray day by day that as  we read His word, God will send His Spirit to reveal to us the truth that will strengthen our souls for day's need. If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children:  how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?  Ask God now is Holy Spirit. Luck 11:13. 


God is the reason why we are still living today.  Is that a surprise to you?   The life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me  (Galatians 2:20).     


One thing i ask God; God help me as i study Your  Word to leave by it. The Bible is so wide because through it we come to the full knowledge of God Word. The Bible alone is the only Book humans will come to know about God and Our Savoir Jesus Christ. God has review His love toward the death of His Son Jesus Christ.



GOD has being using this minister of God. Is the Elijah of our day.  Have you come across him before ? Do you care to know more about the word of God ? If yes, follow in @


Events 2

Events 1


I will love Jesus Christ with all my heart. Will you join me to love Christ Jesus too ?


                                 Christ die for my sin.                                  What about you?


All i will to Known Daily is All about my creator of my soûl. What do you know about Him that made you?  Life is all about incomplète of human. Jésus Christ has made Life easy unto those that looks unto Him.  Am always happe bécasse in Christ Jésus am now complètes. Let all souls look unto Jésus Christ.  Jésus is our hope of  new Life because Hé took our death on tree of calvary. To enable us to leave enternal 


Have you ever ask yourself a vibal question, why me! Everyone is born to ask himself  or herself any topical question why me. What ever come to my mind is that am love by someone, that is Jesus. Jesus  took the death of mankind that is true love . Do you love everyone around you?  If not, start to lové